Education Resources
Check out the Teachers Page for classroom materials, professional development resources, and over 85 teacher-created, classroom-tested lesson plans to bring the Library’s digital collections right to your constituents’ classrooms!
Provided by the Library of Congress Educational Outreach Division, these resources are searchable by national and state standards, topic, era of history, and title.
The Library invites YOU to share these resources with your constituents using social media.
Feel free to copy & paste the examples below onto your own accounts, or use these as inspiration to write your own. Be sure to use the highlighted hashtags to connect with others talking about the same topics. Check out the links for more state-specific information, too!
Note: the highlighted text indicates available Facebook accounts that can be tagged in posts.
These accounts may need to be followed and the text clicked on in the Facebook status window to activate properly.
Created by Teachers, for Teachers
Teachers: try something new in the classroom this year by checking out the Teachers Page from The Library of Congress.
Created by teachers for teachers, these ready-to-use materials provide easy ways to incorporate the Library’s unparalleled primary sources into instruction.
The Library provides free access to primary source sets, lesson plans, presentations & activities, themed resources and connections to our collections.go.usa.gov/xYZ5B #LibraryofCongress #TeachingLC
Teachers: want to spice up your curriculum? Check out @TeachingLC's >85 classroom-tested #LessonPlans. go.usa.gov/xYZ5B
Teaching with Primary Sources
Made a Real Change
Teachers: The Library of Congress offers prepared lesson plans, primary source sets and professional development to help you use their vast resources in the classroom.
Three teachers from PS153 - the Helen Keller School in the Bronx - describe how the Library's Teaching with Primary Sources program had a positive impact on how they teach in their elementary school.
Teachers Are Always Learning
Teachers: Looking for professional development opportunities? Teaching with Primary Sources from The Library of Congress provides primary source-based staff development to teachers across the country. The Library’s programs are free, easy to use, standards-based, and appropriate for all educators. go.usa.gov/xYZ7k
#LibraryofCongress #TeachingLC
Teachers: looking for more #ProfDev? @LibraryCongress & @TeachingLC have free programs: go.usa.gov/xYZ7k
Free Books for Schools & Libraries!
Teachers: what’s on your school supply list this year? If you are a public/non-profit school needing books for your school’s library, reach out to our office to see if you can participate in the Surplus Books Program from The Library of Congress. Our office will partner with you to help select books from those not needed for the Library’s own uses! #LibraryofCongress #TeachingLC
We can help build library collections using surplus books from @LibraryCongress Contact us for more info.
Note to Congressional Offices
Contact the Congressional Relations Office at (202) 707-6577 or [email protected] to learn more about the Surplus Books program.
Primary Sources = Active Learning!
Teachers: discover quick and easy ways to begin using primary sources in your classroom, with teachers' guides, information on citing sources and copyright, and the primary source analysis tool from The Library of Congress.
Examining primary sources gives students a powerful sense of history and insight into the complexity of the past. Analysis of primary sources can also guide them toward higher-order thinking and better critical thinking and analysis skills. Learn more at go.usa.gov/xYZzx
#LibraryofCongress #TeachingLC
Teachers: @TeachingLC suggests where to find "new" #PrimarySources @LibraryCongress go.usa.gov/xYZJd #edchat
Check out the Teachers: Primary Source Sets board for more primary source sets to use in the classroom.
Ready, Set, Learn!
Teachers: The Library of Congress has lots of resources for you! Created by teachers for teachers, these ready-to-use materials provide easy ways to incorporate the Library’s unparalleled primary sources into instruction. Explore primary source sets, lesson plans, presentations & activities, themed resources, and more! All at go.usa.gov/xYZ5B
#LibraryofCongress #TeachingLC
Teachers: explore #primarysources, #lessonplans, #presentations, & more w/ @TeachingLC & @LibraryCongress go.usa.gov/xYZ5B
Check out Teachers: Primary Source Sets board for more primary source sets to use in the classroom
Discoveries in Science
STEM Teachers: do you think The Library of Congress only has resources for history or English classes? Think again! They have materials covering a number of science topics, including the nature of science, the practices of scientists, and the connections between science, technology, and society. Check out the blog post "Primary Sources in Science Classrooms" at go.usa.gov/xYZpx for more great ideas on how to use the Library’s collections in your classroom!
#LibraryofCongress #TeachingLC #STEM
Teachers: explore #STEMed resources @LibraryCongress & @TeachingLC go.usa.gov/xYZpx
Topics in Science:
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Neil deGrasse Tyson, prominent astrophysicist and Director of the Hayden Planetarium, made a presentation at The Library of Congress, hosted by the Congressional Science and National Labs Caucus, on the importance of investment in science and STEM education.
The video is part of the Library's series "Topics in Science" offering webcasts and other presentations on various scientific issues.
Melodies of the Past
Teachers: are you teaching music? American History? The history of your state? Want to give your lesson plan an extra boost with original material about your state from The Library of Congress? Check out Songs of America to discover over 84,000 sound recordings, videos, pieces of sheet music, and other material on the history of music in America. go.usa.gov/xYZ5B
#LibraryofCongress #LCSongs
Teachers: bring music into class with #LCSongs! @LibraryCongress has +84,000 #Music resources, perfect for any classroom!
Ebooks for Students
Teachers: put primary sources in your students’ hands with Student Discovery Sets from The Library of Congress. These free ebooks bring together historical artifacts and one-of-a-kind documents on a wide range of topics, from history to science to literature. Interactive tools let students zoom in, draw to highlight details, and conduct open-ended primary source analysis. Full teaching resources are available for each set, available at go.usa.gov/xYBqH
#LibraryofCongress #TeachingLC
Teachers: put #primarysources in students’ hands with free ebooks from @TeachingLC go.usa.gov/xYBqH
Be Kind to Books Club
Teachers and Librarians: a new school year means a new group of readers!
Teach good book care with fun posters from The Library of Congress. Each design features a literary character recruited to teach kids how to take care of their books: Dracula cautions against sun exposure, the Wicked Witch of the West advises avoiding water, and Tarzan suggests keeping books free of dirt.
All five messages are available as posters or bookmarks to download and print from the Library’s website at go.usa.gov/xYZEG. See if your students can be members of the "Be Kind to Books Club!”
#LibraryofCongress #TeachingLC
Librarians: help patrons join the "Be Kind to Books Club," w/ fun posters from @LibraryCongress go.usa.gov/xYZEG
Education Resources from LOC
Teachers: did you know The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help you utilize its primary sources?
Lesson plans from the Library are designed to meet Common Core standards, state content standards, and the standards of national organizations. Find the lesson plans and other classroom material at go.usa.gov/xYZ5B
#LibraryofCongress #TeachingLC
Teachers: use #PrimarySources from @LibraryCongress in the classroom. Check out @TeachingLC for tips & #LessonPlans. go.usa.gov/xYZ5B
Check out the Teachers: Primary Source Sets board for suggested Library of Congress content to use in the classroom.
Discover LC Through Blogs
Teachers: did you know that The Library of Congress publishes sixteen blogs? These are full of useful insights about the Library's collections and programs, and can direct you to primary sources or other information that you can make use of in your classroom. Explore all of the blogs at go.usa.gov/xYZHY, and be sure to share this great resource with your colleagues!
Teachers: @LibraryCongress has 15 blogs to help put #primarysources in the classroom: go.usa.gov/xYZHY
Find Your State at LC!
Teachers: are you looking to incorporate primary sources from your state into your lesson plans? The Library of Congress offers free access to more than 45 million rare primary source materials, including maps, photographs, documents, films, sound recordings, and more. go.usa.gov/xYZMR #LibraryofCongress #TeachingLC
Teachers: amp up #LessonPlans with >45 million free #PrimarySources from @LibraryCongress. go.usa.gov/xYZ5B