Celebrate Veterans Day with the Veterans History Project!
In 2000, Congress created the Veterans History Project by unanimous decision. Since then, VHP has archived over 100,000 stories from American veterans, including accounts of every war from World War I to recent Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts. The growth of this collection is supported by volunteers (Scout troops, students, family members, neighbors) who interview the veterans in their lives and submit their oral histories to VHP.
Share the following resources and content with your friends. We encourage you to tag the Library, use #LibraryofCongress, and follow our accounts.
Interview a Veteran
Honor the veteran(s) in your life this #VeteransDay by recording & submitting their stories to The Library of Congress Veterans History Project - home to the largest oral history archive in the U.S. The stories will be archived and preserved for generations to come! Learn more about this great program: go.usa.gov/3JExk
#LibraryofCongress #LOCvets #veterans
Preserve an untold history! Interview veteran(s) in your life this Veterans Day by recording and submitting their stories to the Library of Congress Veterans History Project. Each story will be expertly archived and preserved for generations to come.
Veterans of Recent Conflicts
This #VeteransDay, pause to thank those in your community for their service. Partner with The Library of Congress Veterans History Project to honor their sacrifice and preserve their stories. Visit loc.gov/vets today to get started!
#LibraryofCongress #LOCvets #veterans
Through Veterans' Eyes: Iraq and Afghanistan Experience
This Veterans Day, watch the Library of Congress’ lecture by Larry Minear in which he discusses his book "Through Veterans' Eyes: The Iraq and Afghanistan Experience," based on interviews culled from the Library of Congress Veterans History Project collection.
Women Veterans
WOMEN – Today, roughly 15% of our military strength is thanks to you! Partner with The Library of Congress and contribute your story to the Veterans History Project to preserve your living histories for generations to come. Read more about remarkable women and their dedication to our country: go.usa.gov/3JEFJ
#LibraryofCongress #LOCvets #veterans
The Library of Congress's Veterans History Project commemorated female veterans’ involvement with a landmark panel discussion on women's contributions to the Persian Gulf War, and the impact of women veterans in the more than 20 years since.
Patriotic Music
This week our nation comes together to honor the brave men and women who have made many sacrifices while serving in uniform. As you commemorate their contributions to protecting our freedoms, we invite you to listen to some patriotic music from the collections of The Library of Congress. Check out the whole playlist: go.usa.gov/xn2rN
#LibraryofCongress #LOCvets #veterans #music
Thank a Veteran
Thank a veteran in your life! Partner with The Library of Congress Veterans History Project to document oral histories, mementos, letters, maps, videos, pictures, and more in museum-quality storage so that every #veteran will be forever memorialized in history. Visit loc.gov/vets for more information on how to begin this easy process today!
#LibraryofCongress #LOCvets #veterans
Thank a Veteran this
Veterans Day
This Veterans Day thank a veteran in your life! Partner with the Library of Congress Veterans History Project to document oral histories, mementos, letters, maps, videos, pictures, and more. Watch this video to learn more: youtu.be/CIU6oiPjaUE
Students in Action
TEACHERS – Start a project your students will never forget! Partner with The Library of Congress Veterans History Project, the largest oral history archive in the U.S., for a memorable lesson in patriotism, honor, and community. Learn more about how your class can get involved: go.usa.gov/3JmdC
#LibraryofCongress #LOCvets #veterans #teachers #history
Student Involvement in the Veterans History Project
TEACHERS & STUDENTS – Looking for a cool project this Fall, Winter or Spring Break? Come to the Library of Congress to volunteer with the Veterans History Project to preserve our veterans’ living histories! youtu.be/CIU6oiPjaUE
Scout Outreach
SCOUTS – Need a great project idea that will make an everlasting difference? Partner with The Library of Congress Veterans History Project to record veterans’ living histories and develop friendships for life! Check out ways you can participate at: loc.gov/vets/EagleScout.html
#LibraryofCongress #LOCvets #veterans #BoyScouts #GirlScouts
Conéctense con los veteranos
MAESTROS – ¡Enséñenles a los jóvenes que la historia está viva! ¡Visiten la página de la biblioteca The Library of Congress – Veterans History Project y accedan a una Guía para Maestros que inspirará a sus estudiantes! go.usa.gov/3JMvA
#LibraryofCongress #LOCvets #veterans
Entreviste a un veterano para la Biblioteca del Congreso
¡Preserven una historia no contada! Festejen el Día de los Veteranos entrevistando a un veterano estadounidense. Graben y compartan sus historias con el “Veteran’s History Project” de la biblioteca “The Library of Congress;” cada historia será archivada por expertos y preservada para el alcance de próximas generaciones.
Veterans Day for Teachers
TEACHERS – Use The Library of Congress Veterans History Project to introduce personal stories of American war #veterans and the civilian workers who supported them to your students. These primary source materials include interviews, diaries, letters, photographs, and drawings, and support teaching about 20th-century U.S. history, social studies and oral histories - just in time for #VeteransDay! go.usa.gov/3Jm2d
#LibraryofCongress #LOCvets #veterans #teachers #primarysources
Teachers use Veterans' Oral Histories in the Classroom
Teachers, try adding some new material to your history lessons - oral histories add rich personal stories that elaborate on textbook accounts of history.
Honor a Veteran
Honor those who fought for our freedoms by participating in The Library of Congress Veterans History Project this #VeteransDay! Simply contribute oral histories, photos, letters, maps, etc. to preserve their service for generations to come! Print out the Field Kit and get started: loc.gov/vets/kitmenu.html
#LibraryofCongress #LOCvets #veterans
The Library of Congress Veterans History Project offers our veterans a chance to document their wartime experiences for posterity. Help us to preserve these living histories by visiting the Library of Congress Veterans History Project website loc.gov/vets.
Veterans Awareness
Did you know that as of December, 2014, only 39,890 WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War #veterans are still with us? Partner with The Library of Congress and help preserve their stories and courage through the Veterans History Project. Visit loc.gov/vets to get involved now!
#LibraryofCongress #LOCvets #veterans #VeteransDay
Post-Traumatic Stress Awareness Panel
The Library of Congress Veterans History Project frequently puts on programs to help raise awareness about challenges Veterans face, both during and after service. This panel discussion covered Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder with veterans living with the diagnosis and experts who work directly with PTSD-diagnosed veterans.
Veterans in the Classroom
TEACHERS – Use The Library of Congress to bring the past to life by connecting a history, writing, or journaling lesson to veterans’ diaries of the past! Find hundreds of entries through the Veterans History Project to engage your students. Read more about this great project at go.usa.gov/3JM2d
#LibraryofCongress #LOCvets #veterans #students #history